Acousticsamples aus Frankreich hat die Updates für die GD-6 und die Telematic Software vorgestellt. Beide profitieren von der für die Sunbird Software neu entwickelten Scripts. Dadurch wird die Strumming Funktion deutlich verbessert und noch realistischer. Auch der neue Pattern Ersteller wurde integriert, um das erzeugen eigener Patterns zu erleichtern. Und auch die Akkordeingabe wurde überarbeitet. Hier ist die Mitteilung von Acousticsamples in englisch:
The GD6 acoustic guitar and the Telematic electric guitar have been updated!
They now use the latest script we developped and used for the Sunbird library.
Here is a few of the new features:
- We improved the strummingscript to make it even more close to a real strumming.
- We included the new pattern maker, creating patterns is now very easy and you can even save them and share them with other users.
- You can now edit and add your own chords voicings.
- The song builder now accepts a root change, so you can have more than one C chord in the same song for example.
- Better control over the microphones and pickups.
- And many core improvements…
Make sure that you check the Sunbird guitar library as well as the videos to know how the new versions of the GD-6 and Telematic work.
As for all of our updates, these new versions are free for existing Acousticsamples users and can be downloaded from your user account. This is the same link and of course these new UFS files contain the older versions of the libraries to avoid compatibility problems.
Die Updates sind für Besitzer der Vorversionen kostenlos.
Weitere Informationen gibt es hier: Link