Rob Papen hat für seine Kunden ein kostenloses FX-Plugin mit dem Namen AMOD entwickelt und stellt es nun zur Verfügung. Voraussetzung ist, das man als Kunde registriert ist und mindestens eine Software von Rob Papen gekauft hat. Das Plugin kann dann im Kundenbereich herunter geladen werden. Enthalten sind Chorus, Ensemble, Flanger, Phaser und Tremolo. Die eingesetzten Modulatoren können auf verschiedene Kanäle angewendet werden und die Effekte eignen sich beispielsweise für Gesang, Schalgzeug, Synthesizer und andere Instrumente. Einfach mal ausprobieren und den eigenen Ohren vertrauen. Hier die offizielle Pressemitteilung:

RP-AMOD takes its name from the term modulator, most commonly applied to synthesizers — a subject that is close to the heart of company namesake founder and renowned sound designer Rob Papen. Indeed, as Rob himself semi-seriously notes in his critically-acclaimed The 4 Element Synth subtractive synthesis instructional book/DVD set, “Life is like modulation… You need to address your destination with the right amount.”
In reality, modulators are used to modulate the signal-generating and processing components of subtractive synthesizers. Simply put, “They are various types of settings that can change and alter a sound.” So says Rob. And he should surely know!
It stands to reason, therefore, that RP-AMOD allows users to employ its modulators to alter audio in different ways. As such, Rob Papen has included classic audio modulation effects like chorus, ensemble, flanger, phaser, and tremolo in RP-AMOD and allowed them to be tempo-synced to DAW-recorded music. Moreover, two effects (AUDIO MODULATE 1 and AUDIO MODULATE 2) can be simultaneously applied with various routing options. In typical Rob Papen style, these routing options are not only available in serial and parallel, but the audio signal can be ‘filter split’ prior to entering either of the two effects!
Eminently flexible, then, RP-AMOD can be used to spice up vocal tracks, enliven instruments, or even beef up drums and loops. Let your ears decide what works best.
But best of all, RP-AMOD is available for free to anyone who has registered one or more Rob Papen plug-ins (AAX, AU, or VST) — simply login to your Rob Papen account, click on the My Products tab, click on the Get deal button, and a RP-AMOD serial number will soon be winging its merry musical way to you via e-mail while RP-AMOD appears as a product in your My Products list. Lastly, modulate to your heart’s content! The best things in life are free, after all.
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