AMR – Neuer virtueller Bass von Ample Sound

Ample-Sound-LogoAmple Sound haben einen neuen virtuellen Bass vorgestellt. Der AMR basiert auf einem Musicman Stingray mit 5 Saiten und eignet sich wegen seines harten und breiten Sounds besonders für Metal.

ample sound-amr-bass

Hier die technischen Angaben in englisch:

System Requirements:

  • 10 GB of free hard disk space.
  • Windows XP or newer, Pentium 4 or Athlon processor with 2 GB RAM.
  • Mac OS X 10.7 or higher, Intel-based Mac with 2 GB RAM.
  • AU, VST, AAX or RTAS host application and professional sound card recommended. Stand-alone version included.


  • AMR has a 4.7 GB sample library which records each single fret, No destructive editing and dynamic processing are applied.
  • It features 8 articulations including Sustain, 2 kinds of Palm Mute (Mute and Half Mute), Dead Note, Hammer On & Pull Off, Legato Slide, Slide in & out.
  • The Legato articulations can be used to achieve legato notes of any duration, pitch and polyphony.

New Features:

  • Alternate Tuning. Ample Bass supports alternate tunings to the lowest note A0.
  • Pick Attack Accentuation feature which can be adjustable to simulate the noise of pick stroke, bringing up more variations and realism.
  • Automatic switch between Sustain, 2 kinds of Palm Mute and Dead Note by velocity layers. No keyswitch is needed.
  • Bass Tab Player can play both 5-string and 4-string bass tabs.

Der Einführungspreis liegt derzeit bei 99,- USD, der reguläre Preis ist mit 119,- USD angegeben.

Weitere Informationen gibt es hier: Link

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