Apogee MIC 96k

Apogee-logoNachdem Apogee vor wenigen Tagen das neue JAM 96k vorgestellt hat (nachzulesen hier: Link), folgt jetzt das passende Mikrofon, das MIC 96k. Es handelt sich dabei um ein Kondensator Mikrofon, welches eine Qualität von 24BIT/96k liefert. Der Hersteller schreibt dazu:


Professional quality microphone for GarageBand on iPad, iPhone and Mac

Studio quality anywhere:

Apogee MiC 96k is a digital microphone designed to deliver studio quality recording you can take anywhere. Use MiC 96k to record vocals, spoken word, acoustic guitar, piano, drums…anything! Inspired by the most revered and classic microphones in history, MiC 96k is designed to sound amazing and be easy to use with your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch or Mac.

MiC 96k – Three products in one small package:

MiC 96k combines a microphone, microphone preamp and an A/D converter into one compact device. Apogee has carefully designed each part of MiC 96k to deliver the lowest noise and highest quality signal possible for a digital microphone. And it all fits in your pocket.

Built for the future:

Introduced in 2011, the original MiC became the mobile microphone of choice for both aspiring and professional artists looking for that big-studio microphone sound. Redesigned for the future, the new MiC 96k delivers unsurpassed recording quality. MiC 96k is optimized for the latest Apple iOS devices, including the ability to record in pristine fidelity – up to 24-bit/96kHz.

apogee-mic96Der Preis liegt bei 229,- USD

Weitere Informationen gibt es hier: Link

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