Arturia release CMI V tutorial video series

Multi-award winning music software & hardware developer Arturia have released a tutorial series on the finer details of CMI V, their recently unveiled recreation of the Fairlight CMI: the ‚mother of all samplers‘ that changed the face of contemporary music production.

Presented by Glen Darcey, this 4 part video series covers the key concepts of the instrument, letting users quickly familiarize themselves with its features and functions. This series includes a quick tour of the instrument, shows you how to load and edit samples, and explores the new Time and Spectral synthesis possibilities.
While ludicrously powerful and undeniably revolutionary, the original Fairlight CMI was typical of early digital instruments: sluggish, temperamental, and notoriously difficult to program. Despite these quirks, whole studios based their sound around the unparalleled capabilities of this revolutionary sampler, and many now-legendary record producers made the CMI their signature mix ingredient.

Reborn for the modern production age, CMI V has been revamped, reworked, and reimagined to create an equally ground-breaking instrument, built to inspire today’s musicians just as the original did since its 1979 release. Building on the classic sampler functions that are now second nature to most 21st century musicians and producers, and true to their form of revitalizing retro instruments with powerful new features, Arturia have created a living, breathing, true synth & sampling instrument.

Sculpt harmonics and gain access to vast waveform controls with the Spectral Synth; import audio and create your own personalized sample-scapes; and take command of 32 harmonic sound envelopes in the additive Time Synth. CMI V is truly the triumphant return of a giant, a fitting tribute to the monumental sampler that inspired generations of musicians, and turned the whole industry on its head.

CMI V is one of four new stunning vintage instrument recreations that are included in V Collection 6 – Arturia’s groundbreaking retro synth and keyboard package. Containing 21 instruments, each modeled after a keyboard that changed the face of music as we know it. Within V Collection, you’ll find meticulously modeled analog synths, digital powerhouses, incredible performance keyboards, acoustic and electric pianos, organs, a string machine, and even a sampler.

Breathing life back into the most iconic keyboard instruments of all time, V Collection is the ultimate creativity launchpad, and an essential studio tool for the modern music producer.

Check out the CMI V tutorial series:

See the new CMI V alongside the original, and hear some of the incredible synth-sampling possibilities in this fun overview video:
Remember, as part of our special launch offer, the CMI V is 50% off until January 10, 2018.

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