• New resynthesis engine with up to 100 analysis points
• Sample playback mode
• Timeline improvements, including doubling frames from 50 to 100; added global frame speed offset; a new frame tuning parameter; new loop mode; frames can now be synced to host BPM grid; the ability to move only one frame on the timeline by Shift + Drag; and refined Solo/Copy/Paste/Delete timeline workflow.
• Modulation tab improvements, including the addition of Vibrato and Stereo LFO; and Amp and Harmonic envelopes added as modulation sources.
• Keyboard dynamics improvements
• Ability to choose Keyboard, Velocity or Mod Wheel as input sources
• New copy/paste modes: only one selected tab or all tabs
• Cosmetics improvements, including LFOs in screen view, envelopes global offsets, tabs order, merge FX and setting pages, timeline real time feedback, ruler auto-zoom, envelopes and timeline bound scroll.
• New opening mode for hardware upper panel
• Harmonic phase histograms are now displayed in degrees (-179°/+180°)
• Additional template presets with a HQ Simple Sine
• Presets revamped with volume leveling and assignation of mod wheel and sustain pedal
• All former settings page parameters are now stored in presets