Attack announces Attack Sounds royalty-free dance music sounds subscription service

AttackSoundslogoLONDON, UK: online electronic music magazine Attack is proud to announce the launch of Attack Sounds, an online store-based royalty-free sounds subscription service aimed at dance music production, as of March 7… 


With a finely-honed focus on high-quality, up-to-date, and usable sounds hand-picked from some of the world’s leading sample labels — including fellow Londoners Sample Magic; New York City’s RAW LOOPS; Victoria, BC-based Black Octopus Sound; ShamanStems; ModeAudio; and dboxSamples; and an exclusive Attack Sounds in-house label — this highly-curated platform offers cutting-edge sounds for underground electronic dance music production in a value-for-money monthly subscription-based model.  Starting at only £6.90 GBP per month (including VAT) for the so-called SUPPORT level offering 500 Credits towards online purchases, there are four subscription tiers to suit all budgets — namely, SUPPORT; GOLD (offering 1500 Credits towards online purchases for £19.90 GBP per month, including VAT); PLATINUM (offering 3000 Credits for £34.90 GBP per month, including VAT); and DIAMOND (offering 9000 Credits for £94.90 GBP per month, including VAT). All are rolling monthly subscriptions meaning there is no minimum term contract — simply sign up and start downloading! Downgrade, upgrade, or cancel memberships at any time. This couldn’t be fairer or simpler, surely?  Products sold on Attack Sounds cost around 30% less on average than the same products on traditional sample download platforms. What’s more, each and every month subscribers receive two downloads for free!  Find quality sounds quickly with Attack Sounds so you can spend more time making music. Whatever tier is chosen, all Attack Sounds users qualify for a 50% discount on their first month’s subscription simply by using the code ATTACK50 upon sign up — nothing to lose and everything to gain!  Starting at only £6.90 GBP per month (including VAT), choose from four Attack Sounds subscription tiers to suit all budgets by visiting the subscriptions webpage here: (Prices may vary depending on local taxes and currency conversion.)


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