Babylonwaves releases Art Conductor 1.5

babylowaves-logoBabylonwaves has released an update to Art Conductor, a software addition to Logic Pro X which allows users to switch sampler instrument articulations in an intuitive way. Articulations can be drawn right into the timeline, without using key switches or cryptical MIDI messages.



Version 1.5 adds two versions purposely design for EastWest Play users and Vienna Symphony VSL Instruments. The existing scripts for Note based key switching and Spitfire Instruments were also enhanced with additional features.
Dozens of presets for Spitfire’s Mural/Sable libraries, Cinematic Strings 1+2 and Audiobro LASS were included.

Price: €14.99. The update is free for existing users.

An overview video can be found here:
Product information can be found here:

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