Dave Smith kündigt den neuen Mopho SE analog Synth an

Dave Smith logoDave Smith hat einen neuen, analogen Synth der Mopho Reihe angekündigt, den Mopho SE. Dieser verfügt eine 44 Tasten Klaviatur. Weitere Merkmale sind:

  • 100% analog signal path
  • Two oscillators capable of producing sawtooth, triangle, saw/triangle, and variable pulse width square waves, with hard sync
  • Two sub-octave generators (one octave below oscillator 1 and two octaves below oscillator 2)
  • One classic Curtis low-pass filter (switchable 2- or 4-pole) with audio rate modulation, self-oscillating in 4-pole mode
  • Analog VCA
  • Three envelope generators (ADSR plus delay)
  • Feedback loop with programmable level and gain
  • White noise generator
  • 4 LFOs
  • Gated 16 x 4 step sequencer (one sequence per program)
  • Arpeggiator
  • Glide (portamento): separate rates per oscillator
  • Full-sized, 44-note (F to C), semi-weighted keyboard action with velocity and aftertouch
  • Full-sized modulation wheel and spring-loaded pitch wheel
  • Fully programmable with 3 banks of 128 user programs (384 total)


dave-smith-mopho-seSo sieht der Mopho SE aus

Ein Liefertermin, sowie der Preis stehen derzeit noch nicht fest.

Weitere Informationen gibt es hier: Link

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