Eiosis releases the e​ 2 ​ deesser

The e​ 2​ deesser is designed to be extremely easy to use for musicians and audio   enthusiasts,  along with the versatility, power and reliability that are required by the  most demanding mixing and post production engineers.

The e​ 2​ deesser meets all the demands of the simplest to the most advanced  deessing tasks, it is your ultimate de­essing tool.

By aiming at simplicity with its two main parameters, and by giving access to   innovative fine adjustments and precise sound sculpting options, we combined   the   best visual feedback with the most advanced audio processing in one beautiful interface.

The sibilants’ section Auto and Smooth are great sounding, easy­to­adjust and   unprecedented controls in a de­esser. Auto adjusts the frequency response of the   sibilants, dynamically and intelligently.
Smooth brings a gentle and natural smoothing saturation in order to remove   peakiness and high amplitudes from the sibilants.

For advanced users, the equalizer allows precise adjustment of the sibilant and   voiced sound. This unique feature brings ultimate flexibility: you can notch   unpleasant resonances in the  sibilants, add some Air on the voiced signal only, or   gently boost high frequencies to balance mid range heavy sibilants.

The ​e​ 2​ deesser requires an iLok 2 dongle to run.
A fully functionnal 15 days trial is available at ​ www.eiosis.com/download 

Introducing price is at 99,- USD. Later the price wil be at 149,- USD.

More information here: Link

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