Kemper released Profiler OS Version 4.2

Kemper GmbH/ Ruhr Area/ Germany – Nov. 9th, 2016 (ictw) – Kemper today annouced the immediate availability of the Kemper Profiler Operating System Version 4.2. This update brings a bunch of new functions and options to the acclaimed Kemper Profiler digital guitar amplifier. The Kemper team has collected a lot of great feedback and wishes from numerous guitar players over the last months and built a collection of the following system improvements:

Rig Spillover Off:
This new option in the Rig Settings makes the effects located in the Delay (DLY) and Reverb (RVB) modules not „spill over“, when you switch to another Rig. This means that the delay or reverb tail will be cut immediately on a Rig change, rather than decaying freely.

Export Rig to Pool:
The function to store a Rig from Performance Mode back into the Browse Pool has been moved from the Rig Settings to the “Store Performance” page for ease of use.

Main Output Pad -12 dB:
Whenever the device connected to the MAIN OUTPUT XLR or TS jacks (e.g. mixing desk or audio interface) indicates too much level coming from the Profiler, or it is required to set the Main Volume to less than -12 dB, you can activate the Main Output Pad to reduce the signal level of the MAIN OUTPUT by 12 dB. This increases the range of the Main Output Volume control and preserves the signal-to-noise ratio of the main output.

Aux In:
There are now separate controls for HEADPHONE OUT and MONITOR OUT. This means there are three soft knobs in the Output Section, controlling Aux-In >Main, Aux In >Monitor, and Aux In >Headphone, respectively.

Local Pure Cabinet:
As well as the global Pure Cabinet parameter, there is now a local option that is stored per Rig or Cabinet Preset. The higher of the two values is given priority, and will be applied as the actual intensity of the Pure Cabinet effect.
In the Output Section on page “Output AddOns” you find a Pure Cabinet controller (soft knob 3) plus an option (soft button 3). Pure Cabinet in the Cabinet Module is independent from the global option; it even works, if this global option is not ticked. In order to disengage Pure Cabinet in the Cabinet Module it is sufficient to crank soft knob down to 0.

WahPedal >Volume, Wah Pedal >Pitch:
The Volume Pedal value is now preserved when the Wah Pedal is switched to an active Wah or Pitch effect. However, if it was previously set to zero, the Volume will be lifted automatically to a minimum value..
The Wah Pedal no longer needs to pick up volume at toe position, nor pitch at heel position, but starts to control volume and pitch immediately from its present position, while avoiding jumps in volume or pitch.

Mix: Pre/Post in Effect Loops:
The option „Mix: Pre/Post“ is available in Loop Mono as well as Loop Stereo and determines whether the Mix control affects the signal on the SEND (“Pre”), or the RETURN and ALTERNATIVE IN (“Post”).
The “Pre“ position can be used to create a spillover effect for your external gear while you switch Rigs on the Profiler:
Load the Rig where the external effect should be deactivated (but you want spillover when

Tuner@Volume 0:
If you don’t like the Tuner being automatically activated by the Volume Pedal set to zero (heel), then deactivate the „Tuner@Volume 0” option in Tuner Mode.

Tuner Mute Signal:
The “Mute Signal” option in Tuner Mode now affects Output Sources “Git+Processing” and “Git Studio”, as well.

Looper Volume:
Attenuates the playback volume of the Looper by up to 12 dB.

Pricing and availability:
Version 4.2 of the Kemper Profiler OS is available immediately and for free from the Kemper Website:

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