MDrummer 5 von MeldaProduction

melda-logoMeldaProduction haben die Version 5 der MDrummer Software vorgestellt. Neben einer neuen, scalierbaren Benutzeroberfläche, gibt es jetzt volle VST3 Unterstützung. Zudem wurden eine Reihe von Bugfixes behoben. Hier die komplette Liste der Änderungen:



  • New resizable & style GUI engine with several new styles, improved style settings and much more.
  • GPU accelerated drawing minimizes CPU requirements for graphical processing leaving it for audio processing.
  • New exhaustive documentation is available from the website.
  • Improved VST3 and AU support, including overall compatibility, user interfaces, etc.
  • Slightly improved piano roll colors.
  • Added indication of octave harmonics in the „Harmonics“ mode of each signal shape editor.
  • Added axis horizontal & vertical indicators in equalizers.
  • Text editors of frequency values now have a piano roll useful to set frequency of a particular note.
  • Switches in several panels now change colors for better indication.
  • Installer now remembers the installation directory when changed in previous versions.
  • Ctrl+arrow now detects words in text input fields.
  • Various optimizations and improvements in processing and GUI.
  • Added panorama law to MUtility.
  • Adding loop now keeps tracks from the current one.
  • All file selectors now select the file drag & dropped from system explorer.
  • Added Delay parameter to MSynthesizer4NN.
  • If MDrummer factory files are not found, MDrummer asks for it, no need to use MDrummerConfig anymore.
  • MMultiBandHarmonizer: Added ultra-low latency vocoder mode and high quality harmonizer mode.
  • Added feedback to MChorus.
  • Fix: Titles of some knobs were sometimes too tiny for the text to fit.
  • Fix: Oscillators in harmonic mode sometimes performed harmonic generator on startup.
  • Fix: Mouse movement over the plugin window in Cubase did stop any other drawing on some machines.
  • Fix: Fixed cursor support on Mac.
  • Fix: File dialog didn’t remember selected path and file if in a special subfolder.
  • Fix: A few envelope modes could lead to a crash.
  • Fix: Signal generator could generate slightly incorrect shapes in some extreme settings.
  • Fix: Loop editor was saving „undo“ on every move, so the whole GUI became sluggish.
  • Fix: Rhythm editor didn’t update host tempo.
  • Fix: Drag&drop files from Song module could lead to a crash.
  • Fix: When loaded settings from the host while playing MDrummer didn’t update and could crash.

Im Moment gibt es die Software zum Einführungspreis von 99,- Euro. Der Normalpreis beträgt 249,- Euro. Updates von der Vorversion sind kostenlos. Es gibt darüber hinaus auch weiterhin eine abgespeckte, kostenlose Version.

Weitere Informationen gibt es hier: Link

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