Modartt stellt das Pianoteq 5.1 Update vor

modartt-pianoteq5-logoModartt aus der Nähe von Toulouse, Frankreich, stellt das Pianoteq Update auf Version 5.1 vor. Darin enthalten sind einige interessante Neuerungen. Das Update enthält einen verbesserten bineuralen Algorithmus, der auf einem neuen Dummy-Kopf-Modell basiert. Die für Modartt Kunden kostenlose KIViR Sammlung, wurde von Grund auf neu aufgebaut und beinhaltet jetzt alle Verbesserungen der Pianoteq Version 5. Auch das D4 Grand Piano wurde nochmals im Bass- und Mittenbereich verbessert. Hier ist die originale Mitteilung:


Modartt releases Pianoteq 5.1 with improved sound and features:
pianoteq-51-1MODARTT releases version 5.1 of Pianoteq. The update includes an binaural algorithm based on a new dummy head model. The KIViR collection of historical instruments has been rebuilt from scratch to include all major improvements of Pianoteq version 5. The D4 Grand Piano is slightly improved by re-voicing. 


Improved binaural algorithm:
The binaural algorithm of Pianoteq has been greatly improved by using a new

dummy head model, bringing a stunning three-dimensional sound experience. In the Pianoteq Standard and Pro versions, the binaural mode lets you choose the position of the listener around the piano, rotate the head in any direction or increase its size.


The KIViR collection of historical instruments…
…now takes into account the refined physical model of Pianoteq 5, resulting in increased presence and clarity. The collection is free for all Pianoteq customers and includes a Neupert clavichord (a 1941 copy of a „Modell Philipp Emanuel Bach“), a Balázs Kovács cimbalom (2007), two harpsichords: F.E. Blanchet (1733)
and C. Grimaldi (1697), five pianofortes: J. Schantz (1790), J.E. Schmidt (1790), A. Walter (1790), D. Schöffstoss (1812), C. Graf (1826).

Improved D4 Grand Piano:
The Pianoteq D4 Grand Piano, where a Steinway D from Hamburg has served as reference, is slightly improved by re-voicing, bringing increased timbre dynamics to the bass range and more transparency to the medium range.

New extended range selection:
pianoteq-51-3It is now possible to easily switch to an extended octave range of the D4 and K2 Grand Pianos and the KIViR collection of historical instruments. Depending on the instrument, the range can be extend.

Weitere Informationen gibt es hier: Link


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