MSLP Project von bluecat Instruments

newsVor etwa 5 Jahren hat Erick Kvist die MSLP Libraries fertig gestellt. Nun haben bluecat Instruments die Libraries für Kontakt 5 konvertiert. Alles in allem bringen es die Libraries auf etwa 1 GB. Alle Libraries sind kostenlos! Da sie nicht in einem Paket zusammengefaßt sind, müssen sie einzeln heruntergeladen und in den Ordner für die Kontakt Libraries auf der Festplatte abgelegt werden. Das hat aber auch den Vorteil, das man sich genau die Daten ziehen kann, die man wirklich braucht.




Enthalten ist eine ganze Menge an Instrumenten:


MSLP Flute Grbavac – over 900 samples, 180 megs compressed. There are vibrato and non-vibrato modes with 3 velocity layers, round robin staccatos and more.

MSLP Trombone Knutsson – 650 samples, 84 megs, 3 velocity layers, staccato round robins, gliss, swells and more. Note that the sonic jump from the loudest layer to the middle layer is quite extreme.
MSLP Trombone Knutsson Ensemble –  500 samples, 56 megs, when 1 trombone isn’t enough.

MSLP Cello Lofberg –  68 megs, 800+ samples, 3 velocity layers in sustain and staccato and more

MSLP Piano Grand Soft –  fully sampled, 1 soft velocity layer so it works nicely as an intimate piano.

Idiophone Collection
MSLP Marimba –  fully sampled with two velocity layers as well as a mute layer.
MSLP Xylo  – fully sampled in two velocity layers with non-mute and mute.
MSLP Vibro –  fully sampled, 1 velocity layer long, short, mute and bowed.

Note that the following are (hopefully) fun audio toys rather than serious instruments. They have one velocity layer and often the samples are too short.

MSLP Acoustic Guitar Chords and MSLP Electric Guitar Chords – Strum in either major or minor chords. 3 round robins. It really sounds like someone strumming a guitar and that can be hard to find.
MSLP Acoustic Lil Nylon –  A little guitar.
Eight MSLP Basses – Wide variety of Basses.
MSLP Double Bass Lofberg – Has sustain, staccato and pizzicato for solo and ensemble.
MSLP Mandolin Nillsson – 750 samples, 1 velocity layer, that’s a lot of round robins.
MSLP Folk Violin Lofberg – A fiddle that has seen better days, samples are short.
MSLP Banjo – Team with the fiddle and the mandolin for a country jam. 6 round robins.
MSLP Kantele
MSLP Sad Clarinet – Lightly sampled, will give you the blues.
MSLP Saxophone – From earlier Sax collection. More a sax sound collection than a true instrument.
MSLP Orchestral Percussion – includes Bass Drum, Timpani and Tambourine
MSLP Timpani  Long Crescendo
MSLP Maracas
MSLP Jingle Bells

Speaking of Toys here is a collection of sampled toys

MSLP Toy Baby Piano –  Sampled in three velocity layers and has four round robins
MSLP Melodica – Is a Melodica a toy? At 60 megs, its a fairly well sampled toy.
MSLP Toy Zither – 48 megs of toy zithery goodness.
MSLP Toy Zylo
MSLP Toy Marimba
MSLP Broken Toy Marimba
MSLP Recorder – 4 lightly sampled recorders in one instrument.
MSLP Hippo Harmonica
MSLP Tropical Typhoon
MSLP Easter Eggs

Weitere Informationen gibt es hier: Link



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