Multitrack Drums für Reason: Martin Werner Drumsessions Refill

Martin-Werner-LogoMartin Werner vom Goldsoundmusic Studio in Hagen hat einige Drumsession Refills für Propellhead Reason veröffentlicht. Diese liegen in verschiedenen Tempis vor und können durch die in Reason enthaltene Timestrech Funktion individuell angepasst werden. Hier ist die Pressemeldung dazu:



Goldsoundmusic announce the immediate availability of the Martin Werner Drumsessions ReFills for Propellerhead Reason.
The art of recording acoustic drums requires a lot of experience, a great room and the knowledge of proper processing. Martin Werner has all that. He runs the Goldsound Recording Studio out of Hagen, Germany. He is a sought after drummer and has also been the „Drum Doctor“ for a lot of major recording projects for platinum selling productions. Additionally he is the creator of the drum samples for a number of drum sound libraries. Now he makes his sound and his playing available to musicians who look for naturally recorded multi track rock drums that stand the test to international standards. Organised in 5 ReFills you have now access to multitrack drums within Reason.

The 5 available Martin Werner Drumsessions are organised in tempo signatures (84 bpm, 88 bpm, etc.). Each Refills contains various patterns and playing styles.
With Reason’s incredible timestretching you can easily apply the tempo that works for your songs.

The very special additional feature of the Martin Werner Drumsessions is: Martin on Demand!!! Just send Martin a playback and he plays on your tracks and delivers the multitracks to you! More info: Link


In dem Video zeigt Martin Werner wie die Refills gespielt und aufgenommen wurden und wie man sie in Reason einsetzen kann. Die Refills gibt es als Download keweil für 18,- Euro/USD.

Weitere Informationen zu den Downloads gibt es hier: Link

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