Neue FX Midi Keyboards von Nektar

nektar_logo_blackWie schon an anderer Stelle angemerkt, stellt der amerikanische Hersteller Nektar seine neuen FX Midi Keyboards auf der Musikmesse in Frankfurt vor. Dabei handelt es sich um die Modelle FX 25 und FX 61. Die Tastaturen sind denen von Synthesizern ähnlich. Das Besondere an den Keyboards ist, das es für die wichtigsten DAWs Steuerungssoftware von Hersteller gibt. Später im Jahr soll auch ein Modell mit 88 Tasten folgen, welches dann über eine andere Tastatur verfügen wird. Es gibt auch Gerüchte, nach denen es noch ein Modell mit 76 Tasten geben soll, was aber abzuwarten bleibt. Hier die Pressemitteilung: 


nektar-Impact_LX61Nektar Technology Inc. announce the release of the Impact LX25 and Impact LX61 budget USB MIDI controller keyboards, featuring the unique and musician friendly direct integration with most DAWs, Nektar Keyboards are famous for.
The Impact LX25 is a feature packed 25-note, velocity sensitive, synth-style keyboard with pitch bend, modulation wheel, fader, 8 pots, 8 pads, transport control, 3-digit LED display, foot switch and USB sockets. Its functionality extends beyond its compact size and provides similar access to DAW parameters and navigation as its bigger siblings.
The Impact LX61 is a comprehensive 61-note velocity sensitive, synth-style keyboard with pitch bend, modulation wheel, 9 faders, 9 MIDI buttons, 8 pots, 8 pads, transport control, 3-digit LED display, foot switch and USB sockets.
Every control can be programmed to send MIDI messages with settings stored in 5 user-presets making Impact LX 25 and Impact LX61 compatible with any MIDI software.  A unique pad learn function enables pads to be assigned MIDI note numbers on the fly with setups stored in an additional 4 pad maps.
Impact LX25 and Impact LX61 really stand out with the direct integration with DAWs including Bitwig Studio, Cubase, Digital Performer, GarageBand, Logic Pro, Nuendo, Reaper, Reason, Sonar and Studio One.
Integration includes track and patch navigation as well as button switching between Mixer and Instrument control. Parameters are pre-assigned and include functions for launching the DAWs relevant windows, right from Impact LX. The extensive mapping of transport functions not only includes traditional transport buttons but also options to set left and right locators/loop points, click on/off plus much more.

Hier die Preise: LX61 kostet 179,99 Euro und das LX25 kostet 109,99 Euro. Das LX61 soll sofort und das LX25 im Mai verfügbar sein.

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