Neuer Victory Countess Amp

Victory-Amp-LogoVictory Amps aus England hat einen neuen Gitarren Amp angekündigt, den Countess. Dieser Vollröhrenamp hat eine Leistung von 7/30 Watt, ist handlich und erinnert im Design an eine „Lunchbox“. Der Hersteller schreibt dazu:


Victory-CountessThe V30 Countess is a ‘lunchbox’ style head, offering the ultimate package of portability and flexibility for gigs, recording, rehearsal or playing at home.

We developed the amplifier with the help of Guthrie Govan, who will be using The Countess as his ‘flying amp’, to take with him on smaller gigs. Amps are in final testing right now – please contact your nearest Victory Amplification dealer for availability information.

Outline spec – full details and demos coming soon
• Two footswitchable channels for all kinds of clean and overdrive sounds
• 4 x ECC83 preamp valves, 2 x EL34 power amp valves, switchable for 6L6
• 30 watts full power, 7 watts low-power mode
• Single-ended mode
• Effects loop
• Separate master volumes for clean and overdrive channels
• Skeletonised metal case with rubber handle
• 2 x 8-ohm and 1 x 16-ohm speaker outputs
• Built in the UK, using PCB design
• £799 UK SRP, including padded carry bag

Weitere Informationen gibt es hier: Link


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