We are pleased to announce our new four-channel generative sequencer, Gamut Repetitor, shipping this Thursday.

Gamut Repetitor is a four-channel random quantized voltage generator with looping, range, key, and scale settings. It features a built-in quantizer with 27 scales grouped across three CV-controllable switches. Each channel is clockable independently, or just patch in a single clock for four channels of generative fun. GR also features four trigger outputs that can pass through the input trigger or generate random triggers. In only 10HP, Gamut Repetitor packs a ton of functionality into a small footprint.
I have attached a press release (pdf and txt) which can also be found here along with high resolution images.
The manual video can be seen here: https://youtu.be/eiD9c13pF0k
We appreciate your consideration for coverage of this fun little module!