Pro2 – analoger Synthesizer – von Dave Smith

Dave Smith logoDave Smith hat einen neuen, analogen Synthesizer angekündigt, den Pro2. Dave Smith und seine Mitarbeiter hatten sich gefragt, welchen analogen Synth sie gerne haben und spielen würden. Alle Wünsche wurden in ein Pflichtenheft aufgenommen und dann wurde er gabaut. Der Pro2 Synth soll im Juli 2014 auf den Markt kommen. Ein Preis steht derzeit noch nicht fest.  Hier ein paar Einzelheiten:





  • Four DSP-based oscillators plus one sine wave sub oscillator
  • Four classic wave shapes (saw, square, triangle, sine) per oscillator
  • Twelve selectable complex shapes per oscillator
  • 13 Superwaves
  • Three noise types per oscillator: white, pink, violet
  • Shape modulation/pulse width/superwave detune amount
  • Oscillator cross modulation: frequency modulation (FM) and amplitude modulation (AM)
  • Hard sync, individual Glide, Oscillator Slop

Paraphonic Playability:

  • True 4-voice paraphonic mode with individually-gated envelopes per oscillator

Character Effects:

  • Five high-quality digital effects. Thicken the signal and add harmonics or completely destroy the signal pre-filter.
  • Girth and Air are high and low shelf equalizers with harmonic excitement. Useful for thickening and/or adding air to the signal.
  • Hack and Decimate are sample and bit rate reduction algorithms which can add subtle grit or completely trash the signal. It’s harsh yet musical.
  • Drive is a soft saturator for adding soft distortion and harmonic content to the signal


  • Dual analog filters operate in serial or parallel
  • Filter 1 is a 4-pole resonant analog low-pass filter inspired by the original Prophet-5 filter.
  • Filter 2 is a 2-pole resonant analog state-variable filter inspired by the Oberheim SEM filter and can be continuously varied between low-pass, notch, and high-pass operation, with an optional band-pass mode.
  • Oscillator Split allows oscillators 1 & 2 to be sent to Filter 1 and oscillators 3 & 4 to Filter 2.

Feedback and Delay:

  • Tuned Feedback
  • Three-tap syncable delay with feedback and amount controls, pan, and high-pass and low-pass filtering, all per delay. A separate fourth delay is a digital bucket-brigade delay (BBD) for analog-style effects.


  • Five Delay + ADSR envelopes (Filter 1, Filter 2, VCA , and two Auxiliary envelopes)
  • Auxiliary envelopes 4 and 5 freely assignable to multiple modulation destinations
  • All envelopes can repeat/loop


  • Four syncable LFOs with phase offset and slew per LFO


  • 16 x 2 modulation matrix with over 50 mod sources and over 140 mod destinations
  • Parameters that can be sent to CV outputs include oscillators, LFOs, envelopes, sequencer tracks and any other source within the modulation matrix. Runs up to audio rates.
  • Gate Out for triggering external CV-compatible devices; any CV in can be used as a gate input.

Control Voltage Ins & Outs and Gate Out:

  • Four 1-volt-per-octave control voltage inputs and outputs for interfacing with modular synths and other CV-compatible devices
  • Modulation assignment buttons enable quick and easy modulation routing.
  • Mod Matrix runs up to audio rates.


  • Advanced step sequencer provides up to 32 steps per sequence and up to 16 tracks.
  • Supports real-time input, rests, and variable-length sequences
  • Syncs to MIDI clock and external audio and CV input
  • Sequences can control not only oscillator pitch but any parameter in the modulation matrix.


  • Sophisticated arpeggiator with up, down, up+down, random, assign modes
  • Supports real-time input, rests, and variable-length sequences
  • Re-latching arpeggiation

Programmable Distortion:

  • Stereo analog distortion


  • More than 50 knobs and 65 buttons enable deep and comprehensive editing with minimal menu diving.
  • Backlit pitch and mod wheels are easily visible in low-light situations and have a smooth yet precise feel and response.
  • Independently adjustable upper and lower pitch wheel range
  • Two assignable position- and pressure-sensitive latchable touch sliders for enhanced interactivity and control
  • Full-sized, three-and-a-half-octave, semi-weighted keyboard with velocity and aftertouch


  • 396 user and 396 factory programs
  • Playlist mode for generating easily accessible setlists of your favorite programs


  • 1 MIDI In, 1 MIDI out, and 1 MIDI Thru/Out 2 port
  • USB port for bidirectional MIDI communication
  • 4 CV inputs (4 x 1/8″ jack)
  • 4 CV outputs (4 x 1/8″ jack)
  • 1 Gate Out (1/8″ jack))
  • 1 Sustain/footswitch input
  • 1 expression pedal input
  • 1 external audio input (1/4″ phone jack)
  • Main stereo output (2 x 1/4″ phone jack)
  • Headphone out (stereo 1/4″ phone jack)


  • 1 universal IEC AC power inlet for internal power supply
  • Operates worldwide on voltages between 100-240v, 50-60Hz, 30 watts maximum power consumption

Physical Specs:

  • Walnut end panels and trim
  • Dimensions: approximately 29.2″ L x 12.8″ W x 4.15″ H (74.2 cm x 32.5 cm x 10.5 cm)
  • Weight: 18.7 lbs (8.5 kg)


Weitere Informationen gibt es hier: Link

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