Sound Magic introduces Neo Piano Chapters: Imperial featuring a Bösendorfer 290SE grand piano

Neo Piano Chapters: Imperial features one of the two piano sets of Imperial Grand, which is also one of Sound Magic’s oldest pianos, the nominee of 29th TEC Award. It samples from a Bösendorfer 290 Special Edition which has a famously rich and dark sound, the Bösendorfer 290SE establishes an incredible level of realism through hyper-detailed sound. From bass to highs, its rarity stands out across music genres ranging from new age to classical


Neo Piano Chapters: Imperial is powered by Hybrid Modeling technology and HD Velocity Layer 3 with HDR (High Dynamic Range) technology (support up to 65,536 velocity layers) providing a natural boost to expressive power that can be felt with every strike of the keys. Along with the new Neo Piano engine, which achieves 400 times more variations than a traditional sample engine, every note played is unique, creates vivid sound representation, and strikes a rich, accurate tone even with small movement. In essence, it’s an instrument with a musical soul instead of a machine feel. What is more, in this new version we allow you to experience this in a system which only supports 127 velocity layers by applying HDR. This makes this technology can be used without any cost upgrading your MIDI system.

Neo Piano Chapters: Imperial has a MSRP as $99, now has introduction offer as $49 until April 21st, 2022.

Neo Piano Chapters: Imperial is available to purchase online directly via Sound Magic Co., Ltd for $49.00 USD from here:

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