Swar Studio 3 is released by Swar Systems

Swar-Systems-LogoAfter over a year of hard work, we are delighted to release a major Swar Studio upgrade. Version 3 has been seriously reworked to offer you all a mid-range Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) should include.


Here is the list of the main enhancements:

  • input/output selection for each track
  • new AUX tracks (also mono Audio/MIDI track)
  • sends (each with pan/vol) along with 32 buses
  • audio samples/MIDI notes now displayed on loop
  • on-track editing of audio loops (split, clear range, copy, paste, etc…)
  • fades (in, out, cross)
  • gain curves on loops
  • optional dual panning for stereo tracks
  • new Mixer view
  • new MIDI Events List editor
  • auto Backup/Restore
  • and much, much more…

You will find more about Swar Studio 3 here: Link

We have prepared a short teaser video showing the main enhancements, and you can also download a demo version (limitations: only tabla for instrument tracks, and playback stopping after 15 minutes).

Swar Studio 3 price has been increased to $99 (Special rate of Rs 4’500.- for clients living in India) but we are offering an upgrade price of only $30 (respectively Rs. 1’500.-) to Swar Studio 2 owners. You can order directly here: Link

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