The Best Computer Music And Acoustic Technology Inc (aka Sound Magic) introduces Suona Duo VI featuring 2 Chinese Trumpets.

The suona, also called laba or haidi, is a Chinese sorna (double-reeded horn). It has a distinctively loud and high-pitched sound, and is used frequently in Chinese traditional music ensembles, particularly those that perform outdoors. It is an important instrument in the folk music of northern China, particularly the provinces of Shandong and Henan, where it has long been used for festival and military purposes. It is still used, in combination with sheng mouth organs, gongs, drums, and sometimes other instruments, in wedding and funeral processions. Such wind and percussion ensembles are called chuida or guchui. Stephen Jones has written extensively on its use in ritual music of Shanxi province. It is also common in the ritual music of Southeast China. In Taiwan, it forms an essential element of ritual music that accompanies Daoist performances of both auspicious and inauspicious rites, i.e., those for both the living and the dead.

This deeply sampled 3GB Library applies the latest hybrid modeling technology; it can also represent glissando, vibrato, bending and harmonic more vivid than other sampled instrument. The playability from modeling technology enables it to change timbre real time during playing, and this gives the sound more varieties and expressive than sampled instrument.

Suona Duois available to purchase online directly via The Best Computer Music And Acoustic Technology Incfor €89.00 EUR/$99.00 USD/£79.00 GBP from here:

For more in-depth information, including several superb-sounding audio demos, please visit the dedicated Suona Duowebpage here:

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