TSE X50 2.0 – Rock/Metal Suite

tse-logoTSE Audio hat seine X50 Rock/Metal Suite auf die Version 2.0 upgedated. Der emuliete Amp und der Screamer sind, wie der Name schon sagt, bevorzugt für Rock und Metal Gitarristen geeignet. Für die neue Version wurden die Algorithmen neu programmiert und einige, weitere Verbesserungen vorgenommen. Das beste aber ist der Einführungspreis, der noch bis Ende Februar gilt. Das schreibt der Hersteller:



TSE X50 v2.0:

The X50 is a digital emulation of a famous US guitar amp. Because two almost similar amps were made both red channels are modeled. The green channel is modeled after the first amp.

You can’t go wrong with this amp for rock and metal!

    • TSE808 – The very popular screamer emulation now updated with improved even-harmonics etc.
    • TSE X50 v2.0 – Hi-gain guitar amplifier completely re-modeled with new interconnecting algorithms!
    • RACK – Tuner / Delay / Equalizer – Essential tools for getting that quick, good tone.
    • Power Tubes – Select between using 6L6GC or EL34 pentode models.
    • BIAS – Use the bias control to set the operating-point that suits you most. (Power Amp)
    • Oversampling – Oversampling from to 2X to 8X + Automatic oversampling from 2X to 4X / 4X to 8X.
    • Input Learn – Set your input-gain to a preferred setpoint automatically.
    • Lower cpu usage.
    • Zero-latency IR-loader with adjustable IR length.
    • IR Analyzer – Compare IR length vs frequency response in a graphical way!
    • User IR Directory – Point X50 to your own IR collection.
    • Movement Control – Poweramp to speaker emulation including your favorite IR into it’s process.
    • Gate – A custom noise gate with adjustable Threshold / Attack / Release.
    • DaFuk Tuner – High precision tuner for low-tuned guitars.
    • King-Pong – Pong and asymmetric stereo delay.
    • Aqualaser – Equalizer with HP/LP, Lowshelf/Highshelf, peakfilter.
  • Zero-latency and topology preserving modeling throughout the entire signal chain.
  • Included IR’s from Frozen Sun Audio, Trackmix Studio, GuitarHack, and Ryan Harvey Audio.

Der Preis liegt, wie weiter ober schon erwähnt, bis Ende Februar bei 29,99 Euro. Danach kostet die Software 49,99 Euro. Es gibt auch eine Trial Version, in der aber einige Funktionen abgeschaltet sind.

Weitere Informationen gibt es hier: Link

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