United Plugins reaches seventh (software) heaven with release of original compression tool from founding independent developer FireSonic

PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC: newly-founded federation United Plugins is proud to announce availability of the seventh plugin release to its collective name (since launching last year) with FirePresser — founding independent developer FireSonic’s fresh take on compression as an advanced serial multi-compressor plugin suitable for every situation where compression is needed — as of February 25…
As any serious mix and/or recording engineer worth their salt should surely know, natural yet powerful sounding compression can be achieved by using multiple hardware compressors in series — several compressor plugins positioned as DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) track inserts will do the trick, too. Today, however, there is no need necessarily to go to such extreme lengths to achieve this, thanks to the timely introduction of FirePresser.
For every situation where compression is needed, FirePresser — FireSonic’s third plugin release in close collaboration with United Plugins — provides easy access to exacting emulations of four iconic analogue compressors, clearly labelled (left to right) as VARIMU (coloured green), STRESS (coloured red), DB160 (coloured blue), and 76 (coloured yellow) in an uncomplicated user interface that allows all of them to be blended with the greatest of ease, letting lush analogue- sounding compression weave its musical magic upon any source material in next to no time at all. Anyone at all familiar with the iconic analogue compressors being emulated by FirePresser will readily recognise their corresponding compression characteristics.
Clearly, though, there’s a whole lot more to the superficially-straightforward FirePresser than executing exacting emulations alone. Ultimately, users can quickly rearrange the order of those compressors with simple drag and drop movements. Meanwhile, FirePresser’s so-called Rainbow Pad provides further control over the amount of presence each compressor in the chain as arranged is having, helpfully reflected visually by blending their associated primary colours on screen. But better still, drag just one parameter to simultaneously control all four compressors and achieve the best results — speedy, simple, and smart!
Though the overall effect of FirePresser is instant, some skilled users might choose to work with the DETECTOR controls, connecting them to the advanced features of all engaged compressors at the same time. That said, FirePresser’s overall effect can be also accentuated by dialling in the TURBO knob to squash sounds further still, seasoned by pleasing analogue saturation.
Fortunately, FirePresser comes preloaded with a lot of professionally-programmed presets, perfect for tackling almost any studio scenario. Saying that, then, for most users it’s simply a case of loading a preset and adjusting the DRY / WET knob to always achieve fantastic-sounding results. As an advanced serial multi- compressor plugin suitable for every situation where compression is needed, FirePresser is both a real time-saver and a no-brainer — perfectly priced to go (forth and multiply in most major DAWs on macOS and Windows, using internal 64-bit audio processing handling any sample rates up to 192kHz and beyond)! 
FireSonic’s FirePresser is available to purchase for a time-limited introductory promo price of €59.00 EUR ($66.00 USD) until March 10, 2020 — rising thereafter to €99.00 EUR ($110.00 USD) — as an AAX-, AU-, and VST-compatible audio plug-in directly from United Plugins here: https://unitedplugins.com/FirePresser/ (Note that a 15-day, fully-functional trial version for macOS and Windows can be downloaded for free.)
Watching United Plugins’ tantalising teaser video for FirePresser here: https://youtu.be/yJXQBYh2sDA 


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