Vorschau: Blackbird Guitars mit neuer Ukelele auf der Winter NAMM Show 2014

blackbird-logoBlackbird Guitars aus San Francisco, USA, war mir bis dato noch nicht bekannt. Dabei handelt es sich durchaus um einen innovativen Hersteller von Akustikgitarren und Ukelelen. Hauptaugenmerk legen die Designer und Techniker auf einen leichten, stabilen Aufbau der Instrumente. Dabei kam bisher Carbon zum Einsatz, bei der neuen „Clara“ Ukelele wird jedoch ein ganz neues Material verwendet. Das schreibt der Hersteller:



Clara is a revolutionary concert ukulele with the tone of vintage wood and the durability of cutting-edge, eco-friendly construction. Made from Ekoa -a proprietary, first-of-its-kind, renewable, bio-based material that provides warm, ‚vintage‘ sound and feel with the toughness of carbon fiber. Clara’s every detail is engineered to generate the acoustic quality of a much larger instrument. From its patented hollow-neck design to its high-tech eco-fabric and resin construction, the Clara is meticulously crafted by skilled artisans at Blackbird’s San Francisco workshop, aided by computer-driven precision technology. With professional-quality tone and legendary toughness in an earth-friendly compact package, Clara will no doubt inspire artists and adventurers alike.

Humidity and temperature stable Ekoa construction
Powerful voice in a compact ‚pineapple‘ concert body
Low mass, high stiffness bridge design
Resonance-driving hollow neck and head with sound port
Asymmetric Acoustic Design® with off-set sound-hole
3D sculpted back for improved comfort and access
Optional Fishman Pickup + Mi-Si rechargeable electronics




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