Vorschau: Zynaptic Pitchmap 1.5 auf der Winter NAMM Show 2014

zynaptiq-logoZynaptiq aus Hannover, vertreten durch den US Vertrieb Eleven Dimensions Media, LLC, zeigt auf der Winter NAMM Show 2014 die letzte Version 1.5 der Pitchmap Software. Die Software ist jetzt auch, dank AAX, für die neuste ProTools Version verfügbar. Zudem wurden einige Verbesserungen und Fixes vorgenommen. Hier die Mitteilung der Firma:


We’re happy to announce the immediate availability of PITCHMAP version 1.5.0. This free update adds support for VST, RTAS and AAX Native on both Mac and Windows platforms, as well as many enhancements and fixes. 

Additionally, a special time-limited side-grade discount for users of a variety of complementary pitch-processing solutions is available.

PITCHMAP is a demixing-based plug-in that allows changing melodies and harmonies of any mixed musical recording in real-time, either by transforming them to new ones played on a MIDI keyboard, or by setting freely defined target scales. Based on Zynaptiqʼs proprietary MAP (Mixed-Signal Audio Processing) artificial intelligence technology, PITCHMAP can be applied to a wide variety of tasks, including original music production, remix work, correction of tuning issues and creative manipulation of existing recordings.

What’s new in PITCHMAP v1.5:

  • Now also supports VST (32/64bit), RTAS and AAX Native (32/64bit) on Mac and Windows, in addition to AudioUnits on the Mac.
  • Improved algorithm.
  • New preset management functionality accessible from within the plug-in GUI allows user presets to be used across all plug-in formats on all platforms.
  • New factory presets organized by application.
  • Completely re-designed automation system for improved automation workflow.
  • New option to enter values numerically by double-clicking controls.
  • Snapshots now contain Sliders and Keyboard states only for better workflow.
  • Enhanced compatibility with Mac OS X Sandboxing.
  • New authorization app for a more streamlined user experience.

Version 1.5 is a free update for existing users. Users that have opted-in to receive email will be contacted with update instructions.

PITCHMAP 1.5 is available now at an SRP of USD 399/EUR 369 (prices in EUR inclusive of 19% VAT) from the zynaptiq website and authorized resellers worldwide.

Weitere Informationen gibt es hier: Link


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