Waves stellt das SoundGrid Studio System vor

waves_black-kleinWaves hat das SoundGrid Studio System vorgestellt, welches kostenlos beim Kauf einiger DiGiGrid Interfaces dabei ist. Dabei soll es sich um eine Echtzeit Anwendung handeln, die diverse Hard- und Software über ein Netzwerk (auch über Internet) verbindet. Der Hersteller schreibt dazu:



The SoundGrid Studio System is a real-time processing and networking platform designed to bring your studio up to light speed. We live in a connected world. Let your studio be part of it.

Features and Benefits:

  • Real-Time Processing – Run a nearly unlimited number of plugins
  • Low-Latency Monitoring – Track and rehearse with full-on effects and near-zero latency
  • Networking – Connect everything and everyone through a centralized hub
  • Seamless Integration – Network with multiple DAWs
  • Open Architecture – Compatible with Waves and third-party plugins


  • SG Studio Application – Control station for managing the SoundGrid network on your host computer
  • eMotion ST Mixer – Low-latency monitoring for tracking and rehearsing
  • StudioRack Virtual Plugin Rack – Offload your plugin processing to a SoundGrid DSP server
  • ASIO/Core Audio Driver

What is the SoundGrid network?

The SoundGrid network is the road your music travels on. It’s the Internet for sound. It’s what allows your DAW to offload its plugin processing. It’s what allows your devices to communicate with one another and with your friends’ devices. The SoundGrid network is what gives you the power to do more.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Connect all your audio devices to the SoundGrid network using a SoundGrid I/O
  2. Setup / route your devices from within the SoundGrid Studio application
  3. Instantly achieve real-time:
    • Networking
    • Processing (using StudioRack and a SoundGrid DSP server)
    • Monitoring (using eMotion ST Mixer)


SoundGrid Studio Application:

waves-soundgrid-studio-applicationSoundGrid Studio is an application for managing the SoundGrid network’s hardware and software devices on your host computer. An open platform that seamlessly integrates with all DAWs and SoundGrid-compatible I/Os, SoundGrid Studio provides endless possibilities for setups of every size, from a single DAW with one SoundGrid I/O, to a whole network of host computers, I/Os and SoundGrid DSP servers.

The SoundGrid Studio ASIO/Core Audio driver and dynamic I/O mapping ability let you configure your network, manage its various components and set up any combination of SoundGrid-compatible devices. The system’s configuration module lets you assign and route virtual and hardware devices, while enabling I/O sharing between several computers, whose resources are managed from the designated host computer.


Weitere Informationen gibt es hier: Link

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